Thursday, November 4, 2010

3D TV failed to ignite consumer demand


Recently, consumers have been invited to try out the 3D television effects but didn’t seem enthusiastic in purchasing one, although 52% did enjoy the experience of it. Because this is a new technology, the chances are that the price will be expensive and therefore not affordable to everyone. Also, the requirement of wearing 3D glasses at all times while watching television prevents many people from multitasking and causing inconvenience. It seems like one way to increase consumer demand in 3D television would be the breakthrough of technology when 3D glasses is no longer necessary to watch 3D effects. Most people mentioned that 3D viewing is probably best for special events like gaming, movies or watching sports. 3D TV fails to ignite consumer demand.


The factors affecting the demand of 3D television could be price, tastes and preferences, or expectations of future prices. Because it is a new technology being introduced in the market, the price would most likely be a bit too high and not affordable for most people. Therefore, causing less people having the urge to make a purchase since their television at home probably works fine anyway. 3D television hasn’t been exposed to the general public long enough to make a big impact in any sort of way which results in a lack of knowledge in the product causing consumers to be less interested. Usually when products are newly introduced, the market pricing would be more expensive. But as time passes by, better and more efficient technology would replace the original and cause the price to go down. Some consumers may be expecting a lowering in price in the future, therefore not making a current purchase.


Being able to study the impacts of consumer demands towards manufacturer supplies and also factors influencing the way people purchase (demand) was insightful. I personally wouldn’t make a purchase of the 3D television reasons being one, if I had the urge to watch a 3D movie, I would go to the theaters, not only for the 3D effects but for the environment as well; two, I am not a sports fanatic, therefore with or without 3D while watching sports will not make much of an impact on me; and three, like mentioned in the article, wearing 3D glasses at all times watching television is a huge inconvenience, being the lousy person I am, I might misplace them and having to watch fuzzy TV till I find them again. Most people probably hesitate to make a purchase with similar reasons to mine. I strongly believe that the producers of 3D television should look further into these problems and come up with a solution.


  1. I totally agree with what Lucy has stated. This is a price, tastes and preferences, or expectations of future prices demand problem. This 3D television is definitely not a necessity with it being so expensive. With the new 3D televisions out in the market, I think that the price of regular televisions may fall causing consumers to buy those instead. Honestly, I don’t think that 3D television is that great because you may not have enough glasses for everyone to watch at the same time. Also, the glasses for the new 3D televisions are very inconvenient. Perhaps when someone invents 3D television without the glasses will people buy this new and improved technology.

  2. I strongly agreed with you that price is the main factor that affect the demand of 3D televisions. And definitely, 3D televisions are luxury products. Each 3D television costs more than a thousand dollar, which takes up a huge percentage in people’s budgets, and it is the high price that hesitate people from purchasing it. In order for people to see the 3D affects, they have to wear the 3D glasses which are very inconvenient. I believed that most people are used to the modern days televisions, and it will be hard for them to replace their televisions with the new 3D TVs.

  3. After reading Lucy's statement, I have to agree with her. The 3D televisions came out to people as a "fresh" and new idea. Since the 3D televisions have just recently been exposed to the public, the prices will obviously be high, as expected from any new released electronic. The price of the 3D televisions is what is majorly affecting the demand for these televisions. The price is way out of people's budget for buying televisions. The cost of these 3D televisions basically double or triple the normal televisions. Replacing all the modern day televisions with 3D televisions will not be happening over the course of a year. It will take at least a decade or maybe even more.

  4. Having the 3D TV introduced to our lives is a very cool concept, however this is not a necessity; this is simply a luxury that is not affordable to most families that generate a very low amount of income. I have recently overheard two of my friends talk about this 3D television, and while it may sound very fascinating, the 3D glasses do not come with the TV itself. The 3D glasses alone cost another few hundred dollars on top of this overpriced product. I agree with the fact that in the future this product's demand may decrease even more, resulting in decreased prices. Good job on this blog entry, very agreeable.
